Broadband has become the cornerstone of our world’s infrastructure. Similar to electricity a century ago, broadband is the driver for this generation’s modern revolution. The broadband ecosystem already touches every aspect of our personal lives and work environment.
The UNH Broadband Center of Excellence (BCoE) provides unbiased information and demonstrations of broadband for the development of innovative network application experiments in the education, health, public safety, and economic development sectors to improve citizen’s quality of life.
Ubiquitous, affordable, and robust broadband mean much more than Internet access. As important and democratizing as such access is, broadband, if deployed correctly, is the tool that can:
- Enhance our nation’s global competitiveness
- Help retain and grow high-quality jobs
- Educate and train our population and keep us more competitive
- Improve the quality of life for every citizen
The BCoE is chartered to lead our community in coordinating our broadband efforts into a unified set of focused activities while facilitating communication and information exchange among academic leaders, communities, industry participants and public policy makers.
Let's Collaborate to Connect Americans with Broadband
America has had a good start on linking its citizens to affordable, adequate broadband networks, but more needs to be done. BCoE Executive Director Dr. Rouzbeh Yassini has reached out to the broadband leading industry cable television for support in his quest to achieve universal service for broadband.
Ubiquitous Intelligence
We have as a focus “Ubiquitous Intelligence” through the monitoring, analyzing and controlling of the millions of networks of sensors, devices and networks-of-networks will foster the development and success of Intelligent Cities, Smart Campuses, telemedicine and connected cars and highway among others. The Ubiquitous Intelligence Revolution is today’s equivalent of the Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution of past centuries and we believe that these “smart-projects” of the 21st Century will enable our society to improve quality of life and to reach higher levels of economic growth.
Welcome to Internet Safety
Are you worried about your privacy and security of your home network? The University of New Hampshire Broadband Center of Excellence (BCoE) has... Read More.
Broadband in the News
The Wall Street Journal, January 25, 2024
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Broadband 2015: The Connection to New Hampshire's Future
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We seek to help millions of people improve their lives through broadband, a proven positive force on economic growth, business success and quality of life.