Zeke's Cafe is located in room 408 of the Library. It is conveniently located one flight up from the main entrance. The cafe adds the fuel to rejuvenate the individual or group utilizing the services of the Library. When you've gathered up your entire academic and technology needs for that important report or presentation, check out Zeke's for that burst of energy you will need to get it done.

Please note: Hours are subject to change for holidays, events, curtailment, etc. For a detailed listing of the most current hours, visit: Hours of Operation. Also, Sign up for text alerts to receive up-to-date information about these changes.
Cat's Cache, Dining Dollars, Apple Pay, MasterCard/Visa, American Express, Discover

- Download the Grubhub app
- Create an account
- Go to Grubhub settings > Settings > Campus dining
- Choose University of NH > add your payment method
- Automated entrance via ramp from Library Way
- Café up one level via nearby elevator
- Moveable seating at landing
- Low transaction counter
Find out what's for dinner on the go!
Location info, hours of operation, and new "What's Open?" feature